伊與木研究室東京大学 大学院
新領域創成科学研究科 - 環境システム学専攻


Creating materials that work

between nature and humans.

「新規素材の創出 - New Material」「環境に優しい合成法 - Sustinable Synthesis」「応用、システム設計 - System Design」Carbon neutrality Circular economy

Delivering superior materials to the world
through sustainable processes for a better environment


Materials that bridge the gap between nature and human is essential. We are working on the creation of new materials that contribute to solving environmental problems, the development of rational synthesis processes for these materials, and their application development. We are particularly strong in the synthesis and application of zeolites, porous materials used as catalysts and adsorbents, and some research towards their practical application are in progress. In the future, we intend to expand the scope of our research to include the development of other necessary materials and the evaluation of systems in order to solve issues that humanity will have to face in the future, such as carbon neutrality and the circular economy, and we would like to take on this challenge together with you.

Research examples

  • Creation of new porous materials

    New zeolite synthesis and post-treatment methods are being developed to create new zeolites that have never existed before. It is difficult to control defects, composition, and atomic arrangement at the atomic level during synthesis, but it is now known that this can be done with simple post-synthetic treatment. We have discovered compositional tuning that was previously thought to be impossible and extremely stable zeolites.

  • Development of environmentally friendly synthesis methods

    Even for high-performance materials, the manufacturing process must be sustainable in order to be considered for practical use. We aim to develop processes that do not require environmentally unfriendly or harmful raw materials and that consume as little energy as possible. We will also conduct research to understand the mechanism of synthesis in order to develop synthetic methods.

  • Applications for solving environmental problems

    As a trump card for solving environmental problems, we will develop materials and processes as adsorbents for capturing greenhouse gases and removing harmful substances, and as catalysts for converting recovered materials into useful substances. The key is to develop unique and distinctive materials and then use them in appropriate processes. Representative research topics include direct air capture of CO2 and development of resource conversion processes through CO2 hydrogenation.